Vibrant colors, inviting space designed to draw in guests and make them smile
Rich remembers vividly the first time he stepped into a Menchie’s. The whimsical curved wall lined in green glass bubble tile, displaying the self-serve frozen yogurt dispensers; the swirl of plum and green on the ceiling, he was quite taken.
“I remember first stepping foot into a Menchie’s while visiting my son, and I thought it was such a unique brand,” Rich told QSR magazine recently. “Not just because I wasn’t all that familiar with the fro-yo concept at the time, but more so being inside the physical space. I thought it was such a unique-looking brand, and it partnered with the product. I became obsessed with pursuing a business opportunity.”
That attraction is by design. Menchie’s was founded out of a desire to create a space that was all about fun, relaxation and recreation. It’s a family-friendly destination where guests can laugh, connect and create lasting memories. The look and feel is part of that experience.
The color of fun
If our frozen yogurt locations were decorated in different colors, they just wouldn’t be the same. We chose colors that would invite relaxation and fun. Take the greens we use in our decor, for instance. Color psychology experts tell us that green is soothing, helps alleviate anxiety and relaxing and reinvigorating. The pink and plum tones are youthful and exciting. They evoke a sense of sweetness and happiness.
The center-oriented bubble lets our smiling team members interact with guests at any point in the store, without ever creating an us-vs.-them division. They’re always right there, in the center of the action, offering some of our limitless free-sample cups or encouraging guests to get creative with their mix.
Franchisees like it, too
We’re very proud of our high-quality Menchie’s Private Label Collection of frozen yogurt. We have over 100 flavors and varieties include nonfat, no sugar added, gluten-free and dairy-free.
We source our milk from California cows raised on a family-owned farm where bovine growth hormones are not used. Some of our flavors are certified kosher as well.
Menchie’s offers a high-quality, great tasting frozen dessert, along with specialty treats like froyo cakes that guests can personalize. So, yes, we do sell frozen yogurt, but just like Starbucks offers more than a good cup of coffee, we’re providing so much more. We’re creating a experience. We’re helping people build memories. We know tastes may change and desserts and coffee drinks may come and go, but we’re providing something that will never go out of style: a family-friendly place to relax, reconnect and share smiles.

Designed to invite, reinvigorate, relax and delight: Menchie’s is intended to be a memorable experience that will keep guests coming back again and again.
It’s why we’re the largest self-serve frozen yogurt franchise in the world, with more than 500 locations and still growing strong. We’re an award-winning international franchise, and our brand has proven staying power. The vibe at every Menchie’s and our well-known look, which guests love and keep coming back for, is all part of that package. There’s no other place like it.
“I was convinced that Menchie’s was the brand for me, and that I’d be able to sustain its business model long-term. After managing for a lot of different companies, I knew I had the business acumen to deliver, but the experience is what first drew me to Menchie’s,” Rich told QSR. “Regardless of the concept, franchisees should have that feeling when being inside a prospective store. It makes everything so much better.”
To learn more
If you’re interested in finding out more about the rewards and benefits of becoming a Menchie’s franchisee, we would love to hear from you. You can explore our research pages or fill out the form at right to download our free franchise report.