Menchie’s Training, Support and Business Model Eliminate the Need for Restaurant Experience
You can summarize the Menchie’s business model in one word: simple. You don’t have to be a restaurant business guru to run a Menchie’s. We don’t cook, so there are no fryers or grease. Guests make their own desserts and serve themselves, eliminating two owner sore spots in the food business. Your most valuable professional assets? Aside from the necessary capital, you will need some people skills, contagious guest care mentality and a community orientation.
Menchie’s is so simple, proven multi-unit restaurant gurus have seen the light. Take one of our Menchie’s Franchisees who has owned and operated franchises for more than 38 years, most notably a string of top-performing burger restaurants in the Phoenix area.
He told us with the burger franchise, operations are complex, and it can be difficult to prepare food for guests consistently. With Menchie’s, the business is really simple, and the guest prepares his or her own food, minimizing mistakes and increasing guest happiness.
When he decided to branch out into dessert franchises, he did a lot of research, visiting every frozen yogurt brand they could find. Menchie’s won out by a large margin.
He says it is rare that you find a franchise that has a great product, great atmosphere, a solid organization, a business model that makes sense. Frozen yogurt is here to stay, and Menchie’s is the clear winner.
“We Make You Smile” is our mission statement and our reason for being. Stop into any of our stores, and you’ll see why.
We give away stickers to kids. Our Facebook Page has many thousands of fans. Teens love our T-shirts and hoodies. Couples on dates are as likely to hang out at Menchie’s as families and soccer teams. People draw on our chalkboard, have contests to see whose yogurt mix is most creative and just generally kick back and relax. Like Disney World, you won’t see any frowning on the way out.
We are not really in the frozen yogurt business. From our beginnings, we have always worked hard to create a special guest experience that is both fun and allows people of all ages to feel like a kid.
It was all about creating a place where people of all ages could hang out and reconnect. We did not want to target a specific demographic group; we wanted people of all ages to love Menchie’s.
Our fans are loyal. They have a love affair with our brand.
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